The deactivation of FX-01 zeolite catalyst during alkylation of benzene with olefins was studied in a fixed-bed continuous reactor by focusing on the oligomerization of olefins and muti-alkylation of alkylbenzene. 采用固定床连续反应器,对苯与烯烃在FX-01沸石催化剂上的烷基化反应过程中,能够导致催化剂失活的烯烃齐聚和烷基苯深度烷基化反应进行了研究。
Synthesis of Petroleum Sulfonates with medium equivalence in falling film continuous sulfonation reactor 在降膜式连续磺化反应器中合成中当量石油磺酸盐
The paper deals with the control problem of the continuous stirring reactor model. 本文讨论化工中连续搅拌反应器模型的控制问题。
Pyrolysis performance of Daqing light diesel was studied with a micro-pulsed reactor and a continuous tubular reactor. 以大庆轻柴油为原料,对比了微型脉冲热解和连续式管式反应器热解的性能。
The simulation results of fault diagnosis on continuous stired-tank reactor ( CSTR) prove its validity. 基于连续搅拌釜式反应器(CSTR)的仿真实例验证了该算法的有效性。
Degradation of nitrobenzene by ozone/ zeolite process was investigated in a continuous flow reactor. 在连续反应器中,考察了臭氧/沸石工艺在不同条件下去除硝基苯的效果。
Auto-controlled Continuous Reactor for Treating Mixed Wastewater Containing Heavy Metal Ions from Electroplating 处理电镀重金属离子混合废水连续反应器与自控技术
Study of coke formation in thermal cracking of home-made jet fuel RP-3 under supercritical conditions was carried out in a continuous flow reactor system. Mechanism and process of coke formation was stated. 采用连续流动反应装置研究了国产航空燃料RP-3在超临界热裂解条件下焦炭形成的规律和性质,总结了焦炭的形成机理和形成过程。
It also makes the qualitative analysis of the types and optimum-feeding method of a continuous reactor according to the series of the main and auxiliary reaction. 并根据主副反应的级数对连续操作反应器的类型和最佳进料方式进行了定性分析。
In this continuous reactor the flowing fluid forms three different swirling zones sequentially each of which is characterized by its unique mechanism to form vigorous stirring reaction field. This creates an ideal kinetic condition for heterogeneous reactions to occur and increase the space and time for them. 这种连续反应器使流体流动相继形成三个不同的旋流区,能各自以其独特的机理构成强搅拌的反应场所,为多相反应创造优异的动力学条件,大大拓展了反应进行的空间和时间。
Research on the Distributing of Pressure Within the Triangle Area in the Flat Jet Continuous Reactor 平面射流连续反应器三角区内压力分布的研究
Applying the mass heat capacities at constant pressure to heat balance calculation, the recycle quantity of reaction mixture, an important design parameter of continuous esterification reactor, and the mass of heat medium were acquired. 把质量定压热容应用于热平衡计算,求得了连续酯化反应器的重要设计参数:循环量和加热器中加热介质的进料量。
The kinetics of homogeneous phase dodecyl alcohol ethoxylation for alcohol ether synthesis has been studied in the presence of KOH catalyst with a continuous tubular reactor. A simplified kinetic model and the reaction rate constant were obtained. 利用连续管式反应器对以KOH为催化剂的均液相月桂醇乙氧基化反应合成醇醚的动力学进行了研究,获得了其简化的动力学模型和反应速度常数k。
The paper studies heating character of water load in continuous microwave reactor. The result shows: ( 1) Microwave heating is similar to exothermic reaction; 研究了微波反应器中水负载的加热性能.结果表明:(1)微波加热具有类似于放热反应的特征;
Many of China's producers adopt interrupter chloration process by brimstone catalyst, however continuous chloration reactor by acetic anhydride catalyst has been used abroad. 我国绝大多数氯乙酸生产企业采用以硫磺粉为催化剂的间歇氯化生产工艺,而国外大都采用连续化氯化反应器,以醋酐为催化剂。
The Technique of Temperature Programmed Continuous Flow Reactor and Its Application 程序升温连续流动反应器技术及其应用
The Maximum Permissible Temperature Difference of Continuous Stirred Reactor Heat Stability The relative error is permissible. 连续搅拌反应釜热稳定的最大允许温差与化学法对照分析表明,相对误差都在容许范围内,即在可接受范围内。
Research on the Mass Transfer Capability of the Flat Jet Continuous Reactor 平面射流连续反应器的传质性能
Leaching kinetics of Cr ( VI) from chromium-containing slag in aqueous solution was studied and the industrial parameters of the leaching process in aqueous solution were investigated by using continuous reactor. 采用连续反应器,考察了铬渣水浸工艺参数,研究了铬渣中Cr(VI)的水浸动力学。
One-step direct regio-selective chlorination synthesis of 2, p-dichlorotoluene from p-chorotoluene ( p-CT) and gaseous chlorine at atmospheric pressure was investigated over NaKL-zeolite catalysts on a fixed bed continuous reactor. 采用固定床连续反应器,研究对氯甲苯和氯气常压下在NaKL沸石催化剂上一步直接选择性定向氯化合成2,4-二氯甲苯。
Calculation of Semi-continuous Reactor 半连续式反应器的计算
Fast State Estimation and Robust Control of Continuous Polymerization Reactor System 连续聚合反应器的快速状态估计与鲁棒控制
A continuous denitrification reactor was build to study the denitrification effect, different heights changes in microbial community of space. 以PBS作为反硝化微生物的碳源和附着生长载体构建连续式反应器,进行了反硝化效果,填料消耗情况,不同高度微生物群落空间变化等的研究。
The experimental results show little pH and temperature changes in the process of continuous reactor operation with immobilized cells, cell activity has remained at a higher level, with the extension of time cell activity decline is not big. 实验结果表明,反应器中的固定化细胞在连续运行过程中其最适pH和温度变化不大,活性一直维持在较高水平,随着时间的延长活性下降不大。
Under these conditions, continuous hydrogen production with immobilized cells in continuous stirred-tank reactor ( CSTR) was further investigated. 在上述最优固载条件下采用连续搅拌槽式反应器(CSTR)反应器进行连续流制氢试验,进一步对霉菌菌丝球固定W16的连续流产氢特性进行研究。
Microreactor is a kind of new continuous flow reactor with high heat-transfer and mass-transfer efficiency. 微反应器是一种新型的具有高效传热传质作用的连续流动式反应器。